Blog 10: Write Yourself Into the Part 1

Journal Entry 146; Day 1027
It has been a while since we've had actual toothpaste on board. We have been using early methods of toothpaste from the past such as chewing on leftover mint sprigs from our food supply. In regards to sustenance, we are still doing fairly good regarding our food supply, especially since we finally set up our hydro farm. Next month we should be able to harvest our first couple of crops, which should help future generations aboard the station until we reach Earth 2. Hopefully, with the failure of our first Earth, we have learned how to better take care of our environment and sustain our next planet. I will end the update here because today is my day for meal preparations :/ (I learned that from the social archive).

Background: The Earth is no longer livable after humankind has exhausted every resource both genetically and nonrenewable. 


  1. Part II:
    Details: Wed 11/09/22 5:01pm - 5:47pm; Participants : CJ Dierking, Kalan Dixon, Gigi Descalzi
    After talking as a group we noticed that Gigi and I both based our short stories on current ideas of dystopian/sci-fi versions of a future where Earth is no longer livable. Our other group-mate CJ also had our recurring theme of a dying/dead earth but Gigi and I's stories happened to be a little more farther into the future. Our common theme that we noticed as a group was that all of our views on the future were more negative than not, sadly. I took some of my inspiration for my short story from sci-fi TV shows like The 100, where space is forced onto humankind as the next frontier. In conclusion we all really liked the short story post because it let us sit down and imagine what might become of the world and our environments!


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